Welcome to Kestrel Class

Kestrel Class
Welcome to Year 1 & Year 2 class page
Our teachers are Mrs Seymour and Mrs Barnes.
Our teaching assistant is Mrs Hubbard.
On Wednesday, we do PE.
 On Thursday, we do Bury Rangers with Miss Willett.. This is a bit like forest schools but we also learn the science and design technology curriculum for example in the spring term we will be learning about seasons and designing whittling sticks.
On Thursday, we do music with Mr. Mott and Art with Mr Gatrell.



Other things to note 



School uniform






School uniform





PE kit





Bury Rangers clothes (long sleeves, long trousers, school shoes and wellies change into) 


Music with Mr Mott

Art with Mr Gatrell




School uniform 


Maths homework given out 

Reading books changed 

Library books changed.


What to bring to school

Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in the classroom everyday. We are unable to provide water bottles for the children who are missing one.

Please bring book bags everyday so that children can read their books during the school day or change them for a new one. 

Children will also need a pair of wellington boots to keep in school during the half term.  These will be used for outdoor learning and Bury Rangers.


 When to arrive

Kestrel class will start school at 8.40 - please bring your child to the gate that leads onto the playground at the back of the school. At the end of the day, please wait in the playground or covered area and I will send the children to you at 3.15. Please ensure you write on the 'Going Home' clipboard (kept in the foyer) if your child is being collected by a different adult.  Any concerns you may have either email the class email (kestrels@bury.school) or speak to the class adults at the beginning or end of the school day.  The sooner little worries are sorted out the better! 


Homework expectations 


The children are expected to read at home every day for 5 minutes, preferably out loud to an adult. In the parent meeting in Autumn term you will be given a question prompts book mark to support your child.  Reading, and questions/responses should be logged in the reading record dated and initialed. Dojos will be awarded to children who read at home regularly. 

Spellings and phonics 

The children will be continuing with daily phonics following our scheme ‘Sounds Write’. We will be working on the extended code (letters can represent more than one sound, and some sounds are represented by more than one letter), reading, dictation sentences and word building.  Individual progress and needs will be monitored and assessed regularly. Spelling focus will be through learning the high frequency words relevant for your child’s year group, these were given out in the 'Meet the Teacher' transition meeting. Please encourage your children to practice them at home as they will be learning them in school and expected to be spelling them correctly in their own writing.


Numbots/Times Tables Practice 

The children are expected to spend 5 minutes every day on Numbots and/or Times Tables Rockstars(TTRockstars) to practise their basic numeracy and/or times tables recall. The children earn certificates which are awarded in Monday afternoon assemblies. The categories for the certificates for Numbots are ‘biggest increase in correct answers’ and ‘highest improvement in accuracy’.  The categories for the certificates for TTRockstars are 'most coins earned', 'increase in accuracy' and 'increase in correct answers'. The children get to dress up as rockstars, wear rockstar wigs, hold inflatable guitars and pose for a rockstar photograph when they receive a 1st place certificate.  

If Year 1 have become very confident with Numbots please come and have a chat with me before having-a-go at TTRockstars.


Maths homework sheets 

These sheets of approximately 5 questions will be based on the maths learning for that week. They are not differentiated, all children in the class will receive the same questions. This homework is optional and can be completed independently or together with a parent. The mark schemes are attached so you are able to mark the homework with them. This can provide a good opportunity to discuss any misconceptions they have. If you have any concerns about your child’s ability to complete the homework regularly, please raise this with me. As mentioned, the homework is optional and also provides you, as parents, an idea of what they have been learning in maths that week. The sheets will be given out on a Friday and collected during the week after.  


Class Dojo 

Class Dojo is a reward system we use alongside another behaviour system called Good to be Green. Class dojo is an online platform where parents can be involved and notified when their child has received a dojo for something positive in school, and what they have achieved it for. Please let me know if you need any help accessing this.


We are continuing to use the Good to be Green behaviour system and Class Dojo to reward children for demonstrating both our school and Christian values.  

Good to be Green 

Good to be Green is a behaviour system in which all children begin each day with a green card. The children are given a verbal warning about their behaviour if appropriate. If they continue to disrupt or break a school rule, they will be given a yellow card. The consequence of this is that they must spend part of their next play time reflecting on their choices either verbally or written. If a behaviour continues, the child will be given a red card. This means they will be asked to see Mr Moore and a phone call will be made home. 


The Knowledge Organisers for this term can be found here. They are to help children remember and revise the key information for each subject.