Young Carers

Young Carers

As part of our remit at Bury to enhance and support inclusivity, we as a staff, have to ensure we have the tools to support early identification of all needs.
We were approached by the Young Carers Team (YCT) as part of West Sussex County Council's Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH) Service to try and endeavour to raise awareness of Young Carers. As part of this process YCT have supported all staff already with training to aid early identification and next term will be supporting us to raise awareness with our children at Bury. 

As part of our role in signposting information and support, Mr Moore (Headteacher) will be the Young Carers Lead whilst Mrs Seymour (Key Stage 1 Lead/Sendco) will be the Young Carers Operational Lead/Champion.

There is lots of support available for young carers and their families should they ever need it 

 – both inside school:- 

  • access to a telephone during breaks and lunchtime to phone home 

  • negotiable deadlines for homework/coursework (when needed) 

  • in-school opportunities to complete homework (if necessary)  

  • identifying support for them and their family to enable them to attend school trips and educational activities 

  • access for parents with impaired mobility 

  • alternative communication options for parents who are sensory impaired or housebound 

AND outside of school:- 

  • advice to parents if there are difficulties in transporting a young carer to school  

  • access to school for wider support i.e. food bank 

  • Consent to a referral to the West Sussex Young Carers in Schools Service 


What does being a young carer mean?

Young carers are children and young people under 18 years old, who look after a member of the family who is sick, disabled, has mental health problems or is misusing drugs or alcohol.

Lots of children and young people want to help out and feel proud that they are lending a hand. At the same time the impact of these caring responsibilities may cause difficulties at home, school, college or elsewhere.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Regularly late

  • Low attendance

  • Not completing homework

  • Tiredness, low attention span

  • Lack motivation

  • Low mood-mental ill health, anxious

  • Parent/guardian uses disabled parking space/requests hearing loop etc

  • Lack of parent/guardian attendance at parents’ evenings/other school events

  • On Pupil Premium/free school meals

  • Change in hygiene/appearance

  • Change in behaviour – becoming aggressive or angry, withdrawn or quiet.

Sometimes it can be difficult to recognise someone as a young carer, but does this sound like your family or a family you know?

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