Summer Term (1) 2024

Summer (1st half) term 2024 


This half term we will be working on writing to inform (non-fiction)

In English, we will be learning to how to write a recount of a trip.

  For our spellings we will focus on a pattern each fortnight linked to our Sounds Write phonics. The children will be asked to find it in their reading and use it in their writing.   

We ask you to hear your child read 5 times a week. I know how difficult this is – but there are often little slots of time when they can read to you – while you are cooking/ironing/ washing up or of course snuggled on the sofa or in bed.   

The children have a yellow reading record where their reading must be logged everyday. This can be logged with a comment or just a signature. Dojos will be rewarded for children who read at home on five separate occasions.   



Here at Bury we follow Sounds Write phonic programme.  We teach 30 minute phonic session daily. 

 Y1 – spelling families – first spellings /s/, /l/, /or/, /air/
Y2 – spelling families – more spellings /oe/, /n/, /er/, /v/


In Maths we use Mastering Number, aimed at strengthening the understanding of number, and fluency with number facts, among children in the first three years of school and Maths No Problem. Please make sure your child plays on Numbots (all children) and TTRockstars (for Year 1 Spring term onwards) five times a week for 10 minutes – the more regularly they play, the better they will get.  

         Y2 - subtraction – column method, multiplication and division

Y1 – subtraction within 10, time, 2D & 3D shape


History - How has transport changed over time?


Science - Seasons, plants, animals including humans


P.E – Invasion games, athletics and Sports morning preparation

Maypole dancing


Art and Design - Making birds  

Sculptural project beginning with making drawings from observation, exploring media, and transforming the drawings from 2d to 3d to make a bird. 


R.E. - Judaism

Why do Jewish families say so many prayers and blessings? 


Computing – Programming

Moving a robot.


Design & Technology - seasonal cooking


RHE - Emotional well-being/feelings,

Secrets and privacy


Music - Recorder