Welcome to Reception

Little Owl Class
Welcome to Reception's class page!
Our teacher is Miss Webb.
Ms Rowland and Mr Gatrell are our joint teaching assistants.
Summer Term 1
Our topic for the first half of Summer Term is 'Amazing Africa'. We will be focusing particularly on Kenya and will be looking at the similarities and differences between Kenya and the UK. We will do lots of exciting activities surrounding this topic that cover each area of learning and development in the EYFS curriculum. 
Here at Bury we follow the Sounds Write phonics programme. We teach 30 minute daily sessions and the children will start to bring home a phonics reading book for them to read to you later in the term. Please try to listen to your child read to you every day, even if it is just a page or two. 
In Literacy, our key text for this half term will be 'Handa's Suprise'. We will share our own ideas about the book and use props and role play to help us. We will begin to write some simple descriptive sentences.
The children will bring home a school library book for you to share with them at home. The children have a yellow reading record where their reading must be logged everyday. This can be logged with a comment or just a signature. Dojos will be rewarded for children who read at home on five separate occasions.  
'Everybody read' sessions take place every Friday afternoon. Grown ups are invited to come into the hall from 3:00-3:15pm to share a book with their child.
In Maths we use Mastering Number, aimed at strengthening the understanding of number, and fluency with number facts, among children in the first three years of school. This half term we will be focusing on counting, ordinality and cardinality, composition, comparison and subitising. We will also be exploring mass, volume and capacity.
 Bury Rangers
On a Tuesday afternoon we do Bury Rangers. Bury Rangers is similar to forest school but we also learn lots of other things. This half term we will be learning all about the bees we have at Bury school, planting, whittling and doing hapa-zome printing. 
Please send your child to school wearing their Bury Rangers kit. This must be suitable shoes such as wellies or walking boots, long trousers (no jeans please as these take too long to dry), a long sleeved top, a jumper and a waterproof coat. Waterproof trousers are also recommended. 
Music and Computing
On a Thursday afternoon, we do music and computing with Mr Mott. 
 On a Wednesday morning we do P.E.
Please send your child to school wearing PE kit including jogging bottoms or leggings, their green P.E t-shirt, their school jumper and sports trainers or plimsolls. 
Understanding the World
People who help us
Similarities and differences between life in the UK and Kenya
Bees and pollination
Compare and contrast characters from stories
R.E. - What makes every single person unique and precious? 
Expressive Arts and Design
Small world exploration
 Drawing with detail
Role play area - Safari  
Invent, adapt and recount stories and narratives with peers
Learning and remembering entire songs

What to bring to school

Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in the classroom everyday. We are unable to provide water bottles for the children who are missing one. Please ensure only water is in the water bottles.

Please bring book bags with reading records and books in everyday so that children can read their books during the school day or change them for a new one. 


 When to arrive

Little Owl class will now join the rest of the school in coming through the side gate onto the main playground. The gate is open from 8:35 - 8:40. At the end of the day, please wait on the playground and I will send your child to you at 3.15. Please let Mrs Clark know if someone else is picking your child up and write it in the 'going home book' that can be found in the front office. 


Class Dojo
Class Dojo is a reward system we use alongside another behaviour system called Good to be Green. Class Dojo is an online platform where parents can be involved and notified when their child has received a dojo for something positive in school, and what they have achieved it for. In Little Owls we also use Class Dojo as a way of parents being able to see some of the things the children are doing at school during the week via the class story section. Please let me know if you need any help accessing this. 
Good to be Green
Good to be Green is a behaviour system in which all children begin each day with a green card. The children are given 2 verbal warnings about their behaviour if appropriate. If they continue to disrupt or break a school rule, they will be given a yellow card. The consequence of this is that they must spend part of their next play time reflecting on their choices either verbally or written. If a behaviour continues, the child will be given a red card. This means they will be asked to see Mr Moore and a phone call will be made home.