Public Sector Equality Duty

As a school, we demonstrate compliance with the public sector equality in a variety of ways. Some of these can be found listed below:
  • The school already undertakes work to closely monitor the progress of all its pupils, and to put in place interventions to support pupils who are at risk of not reaching the targets set for them. These processes will be used to ensure that those identified in the equality objectives are supported to achieve the goals set.
  • We have brought parents into school to meet with all staff to better understand and support particular protected characteristics 
  • We consult with parents annually via an anonymous survey and use this to identify areas requiring further work
  • Following consultation with our children, we have established a 'diversity awareness day' led by the children each year which celebrates the specific differences between us all
  • One assembly per week is dedicated to reading a planned picture book which celebrates protected characteristics
We have our school's equality objectives, which are reviewed every four years. These are:
  • To promote understanding and respect for differences
  • To ensure that children in (or formerly in) the care of the local authority achieve as well as their peers by the end of KS2.
  • To ensure that pupils who are otherwise disadvantaged have full access to the breadth of the school curriculum
For further information with regards to how we demonstrate equality compliance to specific aspects of school, please see the school policies page.