Autumn Term (1) 2024
Autumn (1st half) term 2024
This half term we will be working on a whole school project called 'Brilliant Bury'. This year we will be focusing on St John’s the Evangelist church in the village and gaining an understanding of its history and items within the church. We will then display our work as a school in the hall that you will be invited to come and view (date for viewing to be confirmed).
In English, we will initially focus on 'what makes a good sentence' and then we are writing to entertain using the story book 'The Colour Monster Goes to School' by Alana Llenas and writing prayers.
For our spellings we will focus on a pattern each fortnight linked to common exception words. The children will be asked to find them in their reading, use them in their writing and practise them at home.
We ask that you hear your child read 5 times a week. I know how difficult this is – but there are often little slots of time when they can read to you – while you are cooking/ironing/ washing up or of course snuggled on the sofa or in bed.
The children have a yellow reading record where their reading must be logged everyday. This can be logged with a comment or just a signature. Dojos will be rewarded for children who read at home on five separate occasions.
In Maths we use Mastering Number, aimed at strengthening the understanding of number, and fluency with number facts, among children in the first three years of school and Maths No Problem. Please make sure your child plays on Numbots (all children) and TTRockstars (for Year 1 Summer term onwards) five times a week for 10 minutes – the more regularly they play, the better they will get.
Y2 - Numbers to 100, place value, addition and subtraction
Y1 - Numbers to 10, number bonds, addition within 10
Geography – whole school focus Brilliant Bury – Kestrel class trip to St John’s the Evangelist church in Bury village.
History – First aeroplane flight – Wright Brothers
Science – Seasonal changes, Human body – body parts. What they do and why.
P.E - Multi-skills including:
Listening skills, travelling/movement (jumping, running, balancing), small equipment games (throwing, catching, co-ordination)
Art and Design – Explore & Draw
Introducing the idea that artists can be collectors and explorers as they develop drawing and composition skills.
R.E. - Judaism
Why do Jewish families talk about repentance at New Year?
Computing - Computer systems and networks
Technology around us.
Design & Technology - making a den
RHE - Relationships and sex education
Worries & asking for help, body privacy and saying yes or no (pants rule), being safe in unfamiliar situations, feelings and impact on self and others.
Music - Music and movement – singing games to support pulse/rhythm/do-so pitch and seasonal songs
Here at Bury we follow Sounds Write phonic programme. We teach 30 minute phonic session daily.
Y1 – spelling families – recap /sh/, /th/, /wh/, /ng/, first spellings /ae/,
Y2 – spelling families – recap, /or/,/air/, more spellings /ae/, /d/, /ee/